

ccs.cexio.public.chart(cur1, cur2, lastHours, maxRespArrSize)

This function allows building price change charts (daily, weekly, monthly) and showing historical point in any point of the chart.

param String cur1:
 It is base currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
param String cur2:
 It is quote currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
param Integer lastHours:
 Past tense period till the current date in hours.
param Integer maxRespArrSize:
 Maximal amount of price values in return.

The function return payload of http response. It is string which contains json object. Official description of keys is in the table.

Key Description
tmsp UNIX timestamp
price price value

Return type:



It can raise any exception which can occur during using

  • http.client.HTTPSConnection
  • http.client.HTTPSConnection.request().
>>> import ccs
>>> response = ccs.cexio.public.chart("BTC", "USD", 24, 100)
>>> print(response)
>>> # Prepared validation schema
>>> schema = ccs.cfg.schema[ccs.constants.CEXIO]["chart"]


This function use REST endpoint which is described on Cexio Chart documentation.

Here is not example, because this request is executed by POST method.


ccs.cexio.public.convert(cur1, cur2, amnt)

This function converts any amount of the currency to any other currency by multiplying the amount by the last price of the chosen pair according to the current exchange rate.

param String cur1:
 It is base currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
param String cur2:
 It is quote currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
param Integer amnt:
 Amount of convertible currency.

The function return payload of http response. It is string which contains json object. Official description of keys is in the table.

Key Description
amnt amount in the target currency

Return type:



It can raise any exception which can occur during using

  • http.client.HTTPSConnection
  • http.client.HTTPSConnection.request().
>>> import ccs
>>> response = ccs.cexio.public.convert("BTC", "USD", 2.5)
>>> print(response)
>>> # Prepared validation schema
>>> schema = ccs.cfg.schema[ccs.constants.CEXIO]["convert"]


This function use REST endpoint which is described on Cexio Convert documentation.

Here is not example, because this request is executed by POST method.

Currency limits


This function provide limits for all pairs.


The function return payload of http response. It is string which contains json objects. Each object describe one pair. Official description of keys is in the table.

Key Description
symbol1 ?
symbol2 ?
minLotSize ?
minLotSizeS2 ?
maxLotSize ?
minPrice ?
maxPrice ?

Return type:



It can raise any exception which can occur during using

  • http.client.HTTPSConnection
  • http.client.HTTPSConnection.request().
>>> import ccs
>>> response = ccs.cexio.public.currencyLimits()
>>> print(response)
>>> # Prepared validation schema
>>> schema = ccs.cfg.schema[ccs.constants.CEXIO]["currencyLimits"]


This function use REST endpoint which is described on Cexio Currency limits documentation.

Example of GET request:

Historical 1m OHLCV chart

ccs.cexio.public.historical1mOHLCVChart(cur1, cur2, year, month, day)

This function provides dataset to build 1m OHLCV chart for a given date. Relies on historical data, is not working for current date.

param String cur1:
 It is base currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
param String cur2:
 It is quote currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
param Integer year:
 Integer value which represent year.
param Integer month:
 Integer value which represent month.
param Integer day:
 Integer value which represent day.

The function return payload of http response. It is string which contains json object. Official description of keys is in the table.

Key Description
time Unix timestamp
data1m 1440 candle data sets

Each item in arrays describe one 1m candle. Official description of array position is in the table.

Position Description
0 Unix timestamp
1 open price
2 high price
3 low price
4 close price
5 volume

Return type:



It can raise any exception which can occur during using

  • http.client.HTTPSConnection
  • http.client.HTTPSConnection.request().
>>> import ccs
>>> response = ccs.cexio.public.historical1mOHLCVChart("BTC", "USD", 2016, 2, 28)
>>> print(response)
>>> # Prepared validation schema
>>> schema = ccs.cfg.schema[ccs.constants.CEXIO]["historical1mOHLCVChart"]


This function use REST endpoint which is described on Cexio Historical 1m OHLCV Chart documentation.

Last price

ccs.cexio.public.lastPrice(cur1, cur2)
This function provide last price for given market.
  • cur1 (String) – It is base currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
  • cur2 (String) – It is quote currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().

The function return payload of http response. It is string which contains json object. Official description of keys is in the table.

Key Description
curr1 the first currency code;
curr2 the second currency code;
lprice last price of selling/buying the first currency relative to the second one

Return type:



It can raise any exception which can occur during using

  • http.client.HTTPSConnection
  • http.client.HTTPSConnection.request().
>>> import ccs
>>> response = ccs.cexio.public.lastPrice("BTC", "USD")
>>> print(response)
>>> # Prepared validation schema
>>> schema = ccs.cfg.schema[ccs.constants.CEXIO]["lastPrice"]


This function use REST endpoint which is described on Cexio Last price documentation.

Example of GET request:

Last prices for given market

This function provide last price for required markets.

args (Array) – It is array of strings, which contain name of currencies. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().


The function return payload of http response. It is string which contains json objects. Each object describe one ticker for one pair. Official description of keys is in the table.

Key Description
symbol1 the first currency code;
symbol2 the second currency code;
lprice last price of selling/buying the first currency relative to the second one

Return type:



It can raise any exception which can occur during using

  • http.client.HTTPSConnection
  • http.client.HTTPSConnection.request().
>>> import ccs
>>> response = ccs.cexio.public.lastPricesForGivenMarket("BTC", "USD", "LTC")
>>> print(response)
>>> # Prepared validation schema
>>> schema = ccs.cfg.schema[ccs.constants.CEXIO]["lastPricesForGivenMarket"]


This function use REST endpoint which is described on Cexio Last price for given market documentation.

Example of GET request:


ccs.cexio.public.orderbook(cur1, cur2, depth=None)

This function provide actual lists of orders for sell and buy.

  • cur1 (String) – It is base currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
  • cur2 (String) – It is quote currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
  • depth (Integer) – It define maximum number of asks / bids. This argument is optional.

The function return payload of http response. It is string which contains json object on top level. Official description of keys is in the table.

Key Description
timestamp Unix timestamp
bids lists of open orders, each order is represented as a list
asks lists of open orders, each order is represented as a list
pair pair name
id incremental version id of order-book snapshot, may be used to check changes
sell_total total available in symbol1 (cur1)
buy_total total available in symbol2 (cur2)

Each item in arrays for asks and bids describe one order. Official description of array position is in the table.

Position Description
0 price
1 volume

Return type:



It can raise any exception which can occur during using

  • http.client.HTTPSConnection
  • http.client.HTTPSConnection.request().
>>> import ccs
>>> response = ccs.cexio.public.orderbook("BTC", "USD")
>>> print(response)
>>> # Other examples of using
>>> ccs.cexio.public.orderbook("BTC", "USD", depth=1)
>>> # Prepared validation schema
>>> schema = ccs.cfg.schema[ccs.constants.CEXIO]["orderbook"]


This function use REST endpoint which is described on Cexio Orderbook documentation.

Example of GET request:


ccs.cexio.public.ticker(cur1, cur2)
This function provide tick data. This informations offer high level overview of the current states on the market. It is actual price, best bids and asks etc.
  • cur1 (String) – It is base currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
  • cur2 (String) – It is quote currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().

The function return payload of http response. It is string which contains json dictionary. Official description of keys is in the table.

Key Description
timestamp unix timestamp
low last 24 hours price low
high last 24 hours price high
last last BTC price
volume last 24 hours volume
volume30d last 30 days volume
bid highest buy order
ask lowest sell order

Return type:



It can raise any exception which can occur during using

  • http.client.HTTPSConnection
  • http.client.HTTPSConnection.request().
>>> import ccs
>>> response = ccs.cexio.public.ticker("BTC", "USD")
>>> print(response)
>>> # Prepared validation schema
>>> schema = ccs.cfg.schema[ccs.constants.CEXIO]["ticker"]


This function use REST endpoint which is described on Cexio Ticker documentation.

Example of GET request:

Tickers for all pairs by market

This function provide tick information for required markets.

args (Array) – It is array of strings, which contain name of currencies. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().


The function return payload of http response. It is string which contains json objects. Each object describe one ticker for one pair. Official description of keys is in the table.

Key Description
timestamp unix timestamp
low last 24 hours price low
high last 24 hours price high
last last BTC price
volume last 24 hours volume
volume30d last 30 days volume
bid highest buy order
ask lowest sell order

Return type:



It can raise any exception which can occur during using

  • http.client.HTTPSConnection
  • http.client.HTTPSConnection.request().
>>> import ccs
>>> response = ccs.cexio.public.tickersForAllPairsByMarket("USD", "EUR", "RUB", "BTC")
>>> print(response)
>>> # Prepared validation schema
>>> schema = ccs.cfg.schema[ccs.constants.CEXIO]["tickersForAllPairsByMarket"]


This function use REST endpoint which is described on Cexio Ticker for all pairs documentation.

Example of GET request:

Trade history

ccs.cexio.public.tradeHistory(cur1, cur2, since=None)

This function provide history of trades.

  • cur1 (String) – It is base currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
  • cur2 (String) – It is quote currency. For more information about available currencies visit currencyLimits().
  • since (Integer) – Value of this argument is tid. Setting this argument cause showing trades with equal or higher tid. This argument is optional.

The function return payload of http response. It is string which contains json array of objects. Each object describe one trade. Official description of keys is in the table.

Key Description
tid unique trade id
type buy or sell
amount trade amount
price price
date Unix timestamp

Return type:



It can raise any exception which can occur during using

  • http.client.HTTPSConnection
  • http.client.HTTPSConnection.request().
>>> import ccs
>>> response = ccs.cexio.public.tradeHistory("BTC", "USD")
>>> print(response)
>>> # Other examples of using
>>> ccs.cexio.public.tradeHistory("BTC", "USD", since=1)
>>> # Prepared validation schema
>>> schema = ccs.cfg.schema[ccs.constants.CEXIO]["tradeHistory"]


This function use REST endpoint which is described on Cexio Trades history documentation.

Example of GET request: